Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My trip to china !

It's been 1 week since i came back fromchina. I would say it was a joyous trip but the hours spent going back and forth was just melancholic. It was a disastrous. Now, i dont often get travel sickness but watching another person get sick is another thing.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

You may be somewhat anxious today, for you can feel the weight of your life holding things in place. This might be reassuring for some people, but too many responsibilities can stir up your fears of getting stuck somewhere you ultimately don't want to be. It's not that you are unhappy; it's just that you may need more freedom than you currently possess. Your best strategy now is to acknowledge your dreams without trying to manifest them right away.
- iGoogle
That's my horoscope today. I got it from igoogle, which I think got from tarot.com or something.
So... I'm not feeling anxious at all. I don't feel the weight of my life but I do feel how boring it is right now. Is that reassuring? I have no responsibilities right now. None that I remember anyways. Except going to the pool look after my cousin and brother when they're taking swimming lessons. Yes. I lack freedom. Ahahaha. My best strategy nowis to acknoledge my dreams. I don't have any dreams nor do I dream anything at night. This thing sucks. I'm only writing a post so that Jenny can read it when she is so bored and she reads everyones blogs.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Goodbye 2oo7 and hello 2oo8!

I would have posted on the first day but I was elsewhere with no convenient internet service.

Last year I:
- was in year 9
- turned 14
- had my first year of electives
- found out how boring both my electives were
- began to fail maths and all those other subjects
- found our home in school [the fish] which we were forced out of because there was invisible bugs around and the teacher couldn't see us (point stolen from theresa. ahahah)
- was about to go to camp but missed out for certain reasons
- did real english class work. at least it was real-er than work we did in year 7&8 anyways
- joined sas. its boring but its a bludge.

This year I will:
- enter year 10
- do my school certificate
- panic about year 11
- go to a formal