Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I am so bored I'm going to blog two days in a row :D

Jenny Lam told me Ms Khattar might have gone to her blog. D: How scary that is. Mr Tripolone might have stumbled upon Theresa's blog too!. I should blog less, to decrease my chance of being found by a teacher.

On another topic, I WANNA GO YEAR 11 CAMP ALREADY.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If we went camping regularly...

Today in Geography I brang up the idea of camping to Theresa. Then we formed a plan to wake up at 7AM and go to Chipping Norton Lake and camp in our PJs. We'd (learn to) fish in Theresa's uncle's boat and barbeque all day. No one in our group wants to wake up at 7 to set up a tent and sleep in the cold though.

So I was thinking, 'If we were to go camping camping regularly, like once a month, in our pajamas, would we attract media?'. I asked Theresa another idea came up. I told her she would attract attention and be famous and she said it would be embarrassing and she didnt want to be famous through embarrassment. One thought lead to another and this is what she came up with: we camp out, we go to sleep, one group would decide to go row the boat for a while whilst the other continues to sleep. The group rowing the boat would 'accidently' drop their oars and after a few (or maybe it was 12) hours the group sleeping would wake, realise the other group is gone and come to the rescue. Of course the group stuck in the boat would have lots of food incase they get hungry or bored. Then when the media comes, the food would be thrown overboard if it wasn't eaten yet.

Theresa wanted to be the one who rescued the people on the boat but then she decided she didn't want to do it herself. So we told Jenny Lam about it. She asked how we were gonna pee and Theresa said we'd wear nappies. Then she decided that she wanted to be a hero too! And then she said that she and Theresa should be on the boat too and then swim out to rescue us (I didn't really get what they were saying). So we decided... hmm.. I was fixing a typo and now I forgot what I was about to type.

Then Theresa wondered whether we would be accused and charged of media fraud. Is there such thing? We're just purposely, accidently, getting media attention :) We're just being 'attention seekers' says Jenny Lam. Then I had to go so that my mum could go the career meeting or something that was held at our school, but I couldn't close the window. >_______> I'm in the car right now waiting for the meeting to finish. I am saving time. :D I still have an hour to go..

So who thinks we would attract attention?
Would you rather be the survivors or the heros?
Ooh.. and no stealing the idea, no matter how good (or bad) it sounds. Otherwise you must credit us big time. :D